Prague and Budapest for Scooter-User
I have Multiple Sclerosis and can walk about 3 blocks with a cane, but after that I have to sit down and rest. I love to travel, so I use a scooter when I do, as it really helps conserve my energy, and in the end I actually get to see more than I would with just my cane. I’d really like to go to Prague and Budapest, but I’ve had a heck of a time finding a travel agent with a decent knowledge about accessibility in this area. They all seem willing to help me, but I’m a bit dubious, as I don’t want to get there and then be stranded at the airport. Do you have any resources or advice for me.
Good for you for taking along a scooter when you travel. As you have discovered it can actually be very liberating. Prague and Budapest are absolutely gorgeous cities to visit, but yes, you do have to find somebody who actually has first-hand knowledge of access information.
To that end Hungary for All may be able to assist you. Established in 2006, this Budapest-based organization has a large database of accessible hotels, tours, restaurants, spas, and attractions throughout the country. There’s even information about active holiday activities, like accessible handcycling, kayaking and caving in their useful database. For more information, visit
With a little advance planning, I think your trip to Prague and Budapest can become a reality.
Have a great trip!